Data needs to link back to where it came from

Whatever contract database you choose, it needs to link any captured or “extracted” (eugh!) information back to where it came from.

To illustrate why, let’s imagine an all-too-common scenario.

Someone on your team puts together a spreadsheet summarising the key details in your contracts. They leave the business 6 months later and you inherit the spreadsheet. You spot a number or date that looks wrong. You have to find the original contract and verify the information for yourself. Now that you’ve confirmed the information is wrong, you don’t trust anything else in the spreadsheet.

Given enough time, this is 100% guaranteed to happen if you don’t have a direct link between the data and the context it came from.

Many contract databases don’t do much better. In their contract data grid, you get a measly field to dump the original PDF and that’s it. Same outcome. 100% guaranteed.