Why “reminders for key dates” doesn’t work

Our customers want to be proactively notified before any key dates in their contracts.

This depends on two things:

  1. There is an exhaustive record of all key dates.
  2. Notifications are set up properly.

Sadly, these very obvious things rarely happen.

Creating an exhaustive record of all key contract dates extends well beyond merely extracting them, and very few solutions actually do this.

Once you have a list of all key dates, you still need to make sure the right people get notified in advance of each of those dates.

Well, what do the vast majority of products out there do? They “allow” you to manually set up notifications for individual dates on individual contracts.

So if, like many of our customers, you have thousands of contracts, someone has to go into each of those contracts and set up notifications. And they have to make decisions each time as to who receives the notification and how long in advance. And they will get some of those decisions wrong. And for contracts that auto-renew, they will have to do all of that again.

Every single year. Thousands of times.

Like you’d expect, the result is that a huge number of notifications never get sent out in the first place. You can rest easy knowing that at least you’ll know about 18% of your key dates in advance.

Hundreds or thousands of contract notification emails each year still make it to your inbox. So much noise that you either block them or become entirely desensitised to them.

And that is why your notifications don’t work.