You don’t want to configure notifications

“Can I configure notifications for key dates?”

We get this question a lot. The answer is no, at least not for now.

Why? We used to offer extremely powerful configuration options for notifications. You could set up rules which specified:

  1. Which subset of agreements you wanted to configure (including individual agreements).
  2. Which types of key date you cared about.
  3. The cadence by which you’d want to receive notifications (e.g. 60, 30, 14, 7 days in advance).
  4. Who should receive the notifications.

This ticked the boxes our customers were looking for, but it didn’t solve their problems. It just created a load of setup and maintenance that didn’t get done. It created so much noise in people’s inboxes and still managed to leave gaps.

We had one very angry customer ask us why they weren’t notified of a key date, only to find that they had never set up a notification rule to begin with. They were also the customer who most insisted on configurable notifications!

We learned our lesson and decided that we would build zero-configuration notifications, taking yet more effort off our customers’ plates.

Now the right people get the right notifications at the right time. Zero effort required. Zero key dates missed. To find out more, get in touch and we’ll show you how.