How to build a contract database

Without Nomio:

  1. Find documents.
  2. Group documents into agreements.
  3. Establish naming convention.
  4. Store documents.
  5. Invent taxonomy for contract information.
  6. Employ someone to capture data.
  7. Employ someone else to verify data.
  8. Capture and record data points.
  9. Normalise captured data points.
  10. Calculate key information from data points.
  11. Link back to documents.
  12. Record and resolve ambiguities and exceptions.
  13. Set up access controls.
  14. Onboard your team.
  15. Configure notifications.
  16. Establish support channel.
  17. Administer process for filing new contracts / amendments.
  18. Create a blueprint for everything.
  19. Employ someone to maintain the whole database. Forever.

With Nomio:

  1. Find documents.