You can’t be both accuracy-first and AI-first

From day 1 we said that there would be no mess for our customers to clean up, which means that we would make sure everything was done to 100%: data capture, document organisation, agreement naming, and the 578 other things required in order to build a contract database.

Since AI couldn’t (and still can’t) be relied on to do that, we built Nomio from the ground up so that a human can do everything, start to finish.

This is important because AI’s performance is very lumpy. It may score 100% on a simple NDA, but much worse (close to 0% in many cases) on complex one-of-a-kind agreements. Not so good if you want to be able to rely on the output every single time.

This means that we’ve never been dependent on AI to get the job done. Counterintuitively, this also means that we’re in a fantastic position to incorporate AI.

Rather than spreading ourselves thin across everywhere that AI could be applied, we apply it to only the places where it is most potent, leaving our wonderful Document Programmers to focus on the parts that humans are great at.

So far, our approach is working incredibly well. Especially for the contracts that AI falls over on. We’re only just getting started so let’s see how things develop.