Anyone in our business is able to use Nomio”

Hattie Langley
Legal Counsel

Livingbridge is a mid-market private equity firm. Hattie’s team was managing contracts in silos, lacking a centralised contract repository to track terms and key dates across the business. Without a single source of truth, contract management was inconsistent and inefficient, leading to lots of manual work and missed renewals.

Here’s where Nomio helped:

  1. Siloed contracts
  2. Delivering on our promise
  3. Taking the burden off the team
  4. A single source of truth
  5. Easy to use
  6. Exceptional support

1. Siloed Contracts
“Prior to Nomio, everyone was keeping their contracts in a bit of a silo, we didn't have any central place
Silos led to missed renewals

”It made it very difficult for things like resisting auto-renewals for contracts that we probably would not have renewed had there not been an auto-renewal clause. So without any centralised oversight on that, I think it made it very difficult to monitor that.“

The search for a single source of truth

”We never had a sort of bird's eye view across the business of the contracts that everyone had in place.”

2. Delivering on Our Promise
“The demo promised that Nomio would do a lot of the heavy lifting for us... And in fact you did
Sounded too good to be true

”We had been looking for a contract management storage solution for a long time… We had an inbound from Nomio, and then we just did a demo… I did worry at the time that it wouldn’t be as straightforward to implement as is promised in demos.”

We did the work

”My experience with Nomio was that the building of our repository from scratch was incredibly hands off from my perspective and from the team's perspective, which was really helpful”

3. Taking the Burden Off the Team
“The building of it from scratch was incredibly hands off... we just gave what we had, and the database was effectively built in just a couple of weeks”
Nomio did the heavy lifting

“One of the things that is really difficult about putting a new system in place is that everyone is doing their day job. But I think because the way in which the repository was built was you and the team did a lot of heavy lifting in that we just gave you what we had.“

Minimal input required

”My experience was that Nomio is very smart in terms of the tagging. There wasn't very much that we had to do in terms of tweaking how it worked for our business. So that was really good.“

4. A Single Source of Truth
“We were searching for a sort of single source of truth. Nomio has helped us to do that”
Removing bottlenecks

”I can just point people in the direction of Nomio, and then they can immediately find everything that relates to their team, so that's great for me. It's just one place that I can send everyone to.”

Consolidating costs

”Nomio, from my perspective, is that single source of truth, which I think is really valuable. It gives you a full picture of what you have. It means you don't have any unnecessary overlaps with very similar providers. It makes you take a step back and think, we're thinking of signing up with this provider, could we solve that with something that we have already?”

5. Easy to Use
“Nomio is so straightforward to use, it takes so little time
Unlimited users drives adoption

”Nomio is so straightforward to use. It takes so little time. Anyone in our business can use it and can have access to it. The fact that there isn't a limit on users is a real bonus.”

Peace of mind

”It’s a really easy sell because it's a very straightforward solution for us. I don't think about Nomio that often, which I think is probably the biggest selling point of it, right? It just works in the background, and I don't really have to worry about it.”

6. Exceptional Support
“It’s easy to speak to a person, which is really key for something like this”
Human support

”I have direct points of contact within Nomio, so it's easy to speak to a person, which I think is really key for something like this. And everyone's always very responsive and helpful. So it's been a very positive experience from that perspective.”

Giving feedback is easy

”The support has been really good. I have found it to be very easy to work out where to go. Within Nomio, it's very straightforward in terms of giving feedback. You can sort of give direct feedback and I always feel like that is directly received.”

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